Complete Vitae as PDF (German).
Date of Birth:
August 28th, 1964 (Hamburg, Germany) |
Nationality: |
German |
1975–1984 |
Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium, Geesthacht, Graduation: Abitur |
1984–1991 |
University of Siegen, Germany
Study of Electrical Engineering
Graduation: Diplom-Ingenieur
Aug 1987–Sep 1987 Oct 1988–Nov 1988  |
GKSS Research Center GmbH, Geesthacht, Germany
Development and implementation of image analysis systems for nuclear power stations. |
Jan 1990–Jun 1990 |
University of Siegen, Germany
Scientific Assistant at the Information Systems and Geometrical Data Processing Group (Prof. Hinrichs).
Responsible for student's exercises in Graphical and Geometrical Data Processing,
as well as the development and implementation of graphical applications (MacIntosh/Pascal). |
May 1990 |
Siemens AG, Siegen, Germany
Installation of electrical and electronical devices for industrial warehouse.
Nov 1990–Jun 1991 |
Philips Kommunikations Industrie AG, Siegen, Germany.
Work Student in research department. |
1992–1998 |
University of Siegen, Germany
Research Assistant at the Programming Languages group
of Prof. Dr. W. Merzenich
Responsible for student's exercises and examinations in Operating Systems, Algorithms,
Formal Languages and Automata Theory, Compiler Construction, Introduction to Computer Science I+II,
Data Processing I+II, and student seminars in Image Processing and Image Coding,
supervisor of several master thesis students.
PhD Thesis (in German, grade: »summa cum laude«): Evolutionary Algorithms for Color Quantization
and asymmetric Coding of Digital Color Images |
1998–1999 |
NEC Europe Ltd.,
Research Staff Member at the Computer & Communications Research Laboratories.
Responsible for the development of a service management platform for value added Internet telephony services (VoIP).
1999–2003 |
NEC Europe Ltd.,
Senior Research Staff Member and head of the Internet Services Group.
Responsible for the development, the design and implementation
of a Quality-of-Service middleware architecture and various national and international co-operations;
project management of UMTS field trials with european telecoms, supervision of PhD and master thesis
students, first aid, lab security, etc.
October 2003 - September 2009 |
ISNM International School of New Media at the University of Lübeck
Professor for Multimedia Technology and Communication Networks (Foundations of Possehlgruppe / Sparkasssenstiftung).
April 2005 - May 2007 |
ISNM International School of New Media at the University of Lübeck
Deputy Academic Director
April 2005 - August 2008 |
Head of the
McLuhan Documentation Center, Lübeck
June 2007 - December 2011 |
ISNM International School of New Media at the University of Lübeck
Academic Director
December 2010 - December 2011 |
ISNM International School of New Media at the University of Lübeck
since January 2010 |
Institute of Telematics
at the University of Lübeck
Head of the
Ambient Computing Group.
since October 2010 |
Institute of Telematics
at the University of Lübeck
Professor for Ambient Computing.
since January 2017 |
COPICOH - Center for Open Innovation in Connected Health
at the University of Lübeck
Speaker of the Board of Directors.
since May 2017 |
Medienstiftung Lübeck
Member of the Board of Directors.
Professional Activities
Austrian Ministry of Science and Research (BMWF)
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
ASIIN e.V. Akkreditierungsagentur (ASIIN)
University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt am Main
Chair/ Co-Chair/ Session Chair |
Ambient Assisted Living Workshop at GI Informatik 2009 (
AAL 2009)
Cognitive Design 2008, Luebeck, Germany (
Learntec'2008, Karlsruhe, Germany
Technik/Trends 2 - Context-based Learning)
Learntec'2007, Karlsruhe, Germany
Technik/Trends 1)
ASWN'2001, Paris, France
IEEE ATM'2000, Heidelberg, Germany
ROVPIA'96, Ipoh, Malaysia
Editorial Advisory Board Member
International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications
Emerald Group Publishing Limited)
Committee Member |
Multimedia Transfer
of the Computer Center at the University of Karlsruhe,
Committee of Industry and Technology
of the Chamber of Commerce in Luebeck,
BMBF/VDE Innovationspartnerschaft AAL (
IPAAL), Working Group "Aus- und Weiterbildung".
Program Committee Member |
International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies (Ambient) (
International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW) (
The 2nd International Workshop on Pervasive and Ambient Applications, Systems and Technologies for Healthcare (PASTH) (
The 3rd International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare (ICTH) (
4th ICST International Conference on eHealth (eHealth) (
eHealth 2011),
International Workshop on Internet of Things and Pervasive Services (IoT-PS'11) at the 5th International Conference on Complex Distributed Systems (CODS'2011) (
International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM) (
MoMM 2011,
MoMM 2012,
MoMM 2013,
MoMM 2014),
Workshop on Behaviour Monitoring and Interpretation (BMI) (
BMI 2011),
IADIS International Conference e-Health (
e-Health 2010,
e-Health 2011,
e-Health 2012,
e-Health 2013,
e-Health 2014),
International Conference on Pervasive Networked Services and Internet of Things (
PNSIOT 2010),
IADIS Visual Communication (
International Symposium on Pervasive Computing and Applications (
International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications (
GI Mensch&Computer (
Baltic Conference on Advanced Topics in Telecommunication (
International British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Conference (
BS HCI'2012,
BS HCI'2013),
ACM Multimedia (
ACM MM'2003,
ACM MM'2006,
ACM MM'2007),
IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet (
WWW/Internet 2005,
WWW/Internet 2006,
WWW/Internet 2007,
WWW/Internet 2008,
WWW/Internet 2009,
WWW/Internet 2010,
WWW/Internet 2012,
WWW/Internet 2013,
WWW/Internet 2014),
IEEE International Workshop on Services & Applications in the Wireless Public Infrastructure (
ASWN'2001, ASWN'2002,
International Workshop on QoS in Multiservice IP networks (
International Conference on Information Technology: Research and Education (
Reviewer/ Co-Reviewer |
Methods of Information in Medicine 2013,
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMCCAP),
it - Information Technology Journal, Computer Networks Journal, IEEE Communications Magazine,
PervasiveHealth'2014, IEEE ICCT'2011, IEEE CCNC'2011, LCN'2010, WMSCI'2010,
IEEE WCNC'2009, ACM Multimedia'2007, ADHOCNOW'2006, Globecom'2006, WCNC'2005, PIMRC'2005,
ISCAS'2005, ITRE'2005, HICSS-38'2005, ITRE'2004, IMSA'2003, ICON'2003, ITRE'2003, ASWN'2003,
ICC'2002, PfHSN'2002, QofIS'2001, ECOOP'2001, KIVS'2001, IEEE HPSR'2001, IEEE ATM'2000, GI Multicast Workshop 2000,
GI KIVS'1999, IEEE Infocom'1999, IEEE ATM'1998
External Funding Track
Media Production with Convergent Media
Partner: Multimedia Campus Kiel (MMC)
Content: Joint Lectures for Interactive Digital Television
Sponsor: Unabhängige Landesmedienanstalt Schleswig Holstein (ULR)
Duration: 10/2004-9/2005.
Foundation Castle Eutin
Interactive Exhibition (Magic Table)
Partner: ART.TOO, Malente
Content: Interactive Table-Top Exhibition for the Castle Museum in Eutin
Sponsor: Stiftung Schloss Eutin
Duration: 10/2004-12/2004
Ministry of Science
Future Library
Content: Installation of RFID-based Self-Booking Services in McLuhan Library
Sponsor: Hochschulwissenschaftsprogramm (HWP), Ministry of Science in Schleswig-Holstein
Duration: 11/2004-12/2004
BaSoTI Summer School I
Partner: University of Rostock, University of Bremen, University of Lübeck
Content: Baltic Sommer School on Technical Informatics in Vilnius
Sponsor: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Duration: July/August 2005
Interactive Services in TV Productions
Partner: Multimedia Campus Kiel (MMC)
Content: Joint Lectures for Interactive Digital Television
Sponsor: Unabhängige Landesmedienanstalt Schleswig Holstein (ULR)
Duration: 10/2005-1/2007
European Union
Partner: reportershop GmbH, KWL GmbH, Lübeck
Content: Online Music Platform for the Internet
Sponsor: EU e-Region PLUS, Ministry of Science, Business and Transport of Schleswig-Holstein
Duration: 3/2006-12/2007
Aktion Mensch
Content: Video Documentation about Handicapped Music Band
Sponsor: Musicus e.V. with Funding from "Aktion Mensch"
Duration: 10/2005-8/2006
BaSoTi Summer School II
Partner: University of Rostock, University of Bremen, University of Lübeck
Content: Baltic Sommer School on Technical Informatics in Vilnius
Sponsor: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Duration: July/August 2006
European Union
Content: Course Development and Workshops for Digital Media in Culture
Sponsor: EU Social Fund, ASH 2000-3 / Arbeit, Ministry of Science, Business and Transport of Schleswig-Holstein
Duration: 01/2005 – 01/2008
BaSoTi Summer School III
Partner: University of Rostock, University of Bremen, University of Lübeck
Content: Baltic Sommer School on Technical Informatics in Riga
Sponsor: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Duration: July/August 2007
Ubiquitous Media
Content: Interactive TV for Museums
Sponsor: Unabhängige Landesmedienanstalt Schleswig Holstein (ULR)
Duration: 12/2006 – 12/2007
Medienstiftung HH/SH
Luebeck Media Portal
Content: Interactive, mobile media portal for Luebeck
Sponsor: Medienstiftung Hamburg - Schleswig Holstein
Duration: 12/2007 – 9/2008
German Brand Academy Shanghai (GBASH)
Partner: Design Factory, Hamburg
Content: Establishing an institute of further education in China.
Sponsor: German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)
Duration: 5/2009 – 4/2011
Graduate School Shanghai
Partner: Graduate School of Computational Life Sciences, University of Luebeck
Content: Concept for establishing a graduate school in China.
Sponsor: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Duration: 6/2009 – 12/2009
Content: Ambient Assisted Living for Home Care
Sponsor: German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)
Duration: 7/2009 – 6/2012
Content: Methods and Tools for citizen participation
Sponsor: German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)
Duration: 7/2012 – 6/2013
ZukunftsWerkstadt II
Content: Zukunftskompass Lübeck, eine Stadt in Bewegung (app for mobility tracking)
Sponsor: German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)
Duration: 9/2014 – 8/2015
Content: Smart City Project
Sponsor: Medienstiftung Lübeck
Duration: 1/2016 – 11/2016
Ambiente MTI-Ökosysteme - Adaptive Mensch-Technik-Interaktion im Verbund
Sponsor: German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)
Duration: 7/2014 – 6/2015
Ein anthropometrisch unterstützendes Framework für die physikalische Interaktion mit digitalen Artefakten durch Menschen mit Behinderungen
(a framwork to support interaction for people with physical disabilities)
Sponsor: Förderung durch Verein zur Förderung der Rehabilitationsforschung in Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und Schleswig-Holstein, e.V. (vffr)
Duration: 5/2014 – 9/2015
A socio-technical system for information, communication and control in intensive care(
Sponsor: CISCO Inc.
Duration: 10/2016 – 9/2019
Soziotechnisches System zur Unterstützung der Kommunikation von Intensivpatienten in der Aufwachphase – ACTIVATE
(A system for support of intensive care patients during weaning)(
Sponsor: German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)
Duration: 1/2017 – 12/2019
Individualised Training Program for Parkinson Patients(
Sponsor: Innovationsfonds des G-BA
Duration: 6/2018 – 5/2021
Professional Organizations
Member of
Association for Computing Machinery ( ACM)
Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. ( GI)
German Johanniter Rescue Organisation ( Die Johanniter)
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