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Digital Film and Video Production
ISNM Luebeck
Winter 2007



Goal: Create a Videoinstallation or an interactive Max/Jitter patch referring to the theme "REPETITION"

Some keywords and hints:
- repetitive motions, loops
- repetitive tasks
- every day live
- unwanted repetition
- interaction & repetition (could make users repeat things etc)
- the beauty of repetition
- examples: groundhog day, islamic art

Actual Assignment: Step 1
Deadline: Dec 31st, 2007

Work out your concepts based on feedback on your first draft during the workshop and send it by email before the deadline above. Length should be 1-2 A4 pages if printed out. It can be very brief, no complete sentences required, just headlines with bullets will do. Here are some points to give you hints what to refer to:
- general idea
- general technical approach (e.g."user inteaction triggers different film loops")
- how does idea refer to "repetition"
- filmmaking: where to shoot, what to shoot
- Presentation: how will the result be presented, what will the installation look like
- Interaction: how does the interaction work as user experience+technically, are there references to "repetition" in the interaction scheme
- use of Max: what is Max supposed to do, matters that have to researched
- additional hardware used (gamepads, keybords, cameras etc...)
Web Resources for Max/Msp/Jitter

To see the tutorial files of Max/MSP/Jitter at Cycling74, download the Max and Jitter installation files:
 MAX MSP at www.cycling74.com
 Jitter at www.cycling74.com

Don't install, just find the Tutorial files inside. Here is what you will find:

Files in the Max installation:

getting started with Max:
Max46Tutorial.pdf + Tutorial Patches (folder)
continue with these:
looking up single Max objects:

In the Jitter installation:

getting started with Jitter:
JitterTutorial16.pdf + Jitter Tutorials (folder)
starting point for searching through help files for inspiration:
make sure you also take a look at the Jitter examples:
jitter-examples (folder)

Further Links:

The Cycling 74 Homepage has lots of info about Max and related issues such as examples of news, a big technical forum, a resource guide for hardware usable with Max and some examples of Applications done with Max/Jitter:

There are many additional objects out there wich can be used with Max. This site has most of them listed:

A collection of not-so-easy-to-use but brilliant video analysis objects:

All aspects of VJ culture: technology, artists, events:

Media-architecture project done with Max/Jitter:

Some interesting people/projects:

Related technology:
© 2003 Andreas Schrader & Martin Heike