Multimedia Systems
ISNM Luebeck
Winter 2005



The recommended readings are not mandatory, but will make life much easier in the examination.
Nevertheless, the questions will only cover topics that have been presented in the slide set during the lecture.
The additional readings are for those, who are interested to dive deeper into some of the fields.
Please also consider the references given in the lecture slides for the specific topics.

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Claude E. Shannon, Warren Weaver
The Mathematical Theory of Communication
University of Illinois Press, Urbana and Chicago, 1949. Paperback reprint 1998.
McLuhan ISNM 1157
This book is a must for everybody in the media area. It contains the original text of Claude E. Shannon about
his communication theory, introducing the terms entropy and information content. The book is
accomplished by Warren Weaver explaining some background information to the reader.
Important: Introduction (pp. 31-35), Section I: Discrete Noiseless Systems (pp. 36-64).
Please buy (~ 14,- €) and read!
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Francois Fluckiger
Understanding Networked Multimedia - Applications and Technology
Prentice Hall, London, 1995.
McLuhan IMIS 11
This book is one of the two major books covering the multimedia area as an overview (beside Steinmetz - see below).
Unfortunately it is getting older now, but the general sections about fundamental issues are still important and
easy to understand.
Important: Chapter 1 - What is multimedia? (pp. 3-16), Chapter 2 - Integrating digital information (pp. 17-30),
Chapter 3 - Text, graphics, images, video, animation, sound (pp. 31-49).
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Ralf Steinmetz, Klara Nahrstedt
Media Coding and Content Processing
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2002.
We only have the german version in the McLuhan Documentation Center.
This book is part of a series, created as a new edition of an older book. Unfortunately, the series is not completed yet.
But this first volume gives an introduction into media coding and processing in general.
Ralf Steinmetz is a professor for Multimedia Technology at the Technical University of Darmstadt.
Klara Nahrstedt is professor of computer science at the University of Illinois.
Important: Chapter 1 - Introduction (pp. 1-6), Chapter 2 - Media and Data Streams (pp. 7-20).
Also interesting: Chapter 7 - Data Compression (pp. 105-168), Chapter 8 - Optical Storage Media (pp. 169-204).
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Ken C. Pohlmann
Principles of Digital Audio
McGrawHill, New York, 4th Edition, 2000.
McLuhan ISNM 309
This is a great book about audio with very introductional sections which can also go deep into the stuff,
but are always nice to read. Really recommendable.
Important: Chapter 1 - Sound and Numbers (pp. 1-20), Chapter 2 - Fundamentals of Digital Audio (pp. 21-48),
Chapter 3 - Digital Audio Recording (pp. 49-78), Chapter 4 - Digital Audio Reproduction (pp. 79-128), Chapter 10 - Perceptual Coding (pp. 303-362).
Also interesting for further reading:
Chapter 8 - Optical Disc Storage (pp. 219-242), Chapter 9 - Compact Disc (pp. 243-302), Chapter 11 - DVD (pp. 363-416),
Chapter 14 - PC Audio (pp. 473-508).
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Vasudev Bhaskaran, Konstantininos Konstantinides
Image and Video Compression Standards - Algorithms and Architecture
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Dordrecht, London, 2nd Edition, 1997.
McLuhan IMIS 129
A very good introduction into compression techniques and standards for images and video.
Since the book is from 1997, it can't cover the newest developments (e.g. H.264 and MPEG-4 - see additional references below),
but it is very nice to read.
Important: Chapter 1 - Compression Fundamentals (pp. 1-14),
Chapter 2 - Methods and Standards for Lossless Compression (sections 2.1-2.4 Introduction and Huffman Coding, pp. 15-25,
2.9 Arithmetic Coding, pp. 39-44, 2.11 Standards for losssless coding (JBIG, Lossless JPEG, JPEG-LS), pp. 46-60),
Chapter 3 (sections 3.4 DCT-based coding, pp. 74-86),
Chapter 4 - Fundamentals of Lossy Video Compression (sections 4.1 Introduction and 4.2 Video Coding Basics, pp. 99-104, 4.4 Motion-compensated prediction, pp. 117-120,
4.5. Algorithms for Motion Estimation, pp. 120-134, 4.7 Sub-Pixel-Accurate Motion Estimation, pp. 140-144),
Chapter 5 - The JPEG Standard (pp. 147-178),
Chapter 6 - The MPEG Video Standards (pp. 179-230),
Chapter 7 - Video Teleconferencing Standards (pp. 231-255),
Chapter 16 - Standards for Audio Compression (pp. 359-385).
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Aaron E. Walsh, Mikael Bourges-Sévenier
MPEG-4 Jump-Start
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2002.
McLuhan ISNM 1185
This book about MPEG-4 gives an overview of all the aspects of MPEG-4, like VRML, 2D/3D scene composition, Mesh Coding, Body Animation, etc.
With regard to the lecture I would just recommend to read chapter 1 - Introduction to MPEG-4 (pp. 1-26).
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Iain E. G. Richardson
H.264 and MPEG-4 Video Compression
John Wiley & Sons, December 2003.
McLuhan ISNM 1490
Very good book for an overview but also for indepth-knowledge about the two very important video compression standards.
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Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Computer Networks
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 4th Edition, 2003.
McLuhan ISNM 1158
The standard book about networking. It's really worth reading it completely. But it's huge, and therefore I recommend
Chapter 1 - Introduction (pp. 1-84), Section 7.4 - Multimedia (pp. 674-711).


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Information Technology, Coded Representation of Multimedia
and Hypermedia Information (MHEG),,
Part 1: Base Notation (ASN.1)
Committee draft ISO/IEC CD 13522-1, June 1993.
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K.K. Bosse
How the ear works,
McCrory Studios (1940)
Internet Archive
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K.K. Bosse
How the eye functions,
McCrory Studios (1941)
Internet Archive
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University of Wien
Institute of Physiology
Reference Collection
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Charles Poynton
A guided Tour of Color Spaces,
New Foundations for Video Technology (Proceedings of the SMPTE Advanced Television and Electronic Imaging Conference, San Francisco, Feb. 1995), 167-180.
PDF Download
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Heidelberger Druckmaschinen
Expert Guide Color Management
PDF Download
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Philipp Otto Runge
1810, Reprint from Tropen Verlag, 1999 (ISBN 3-932170-34-2)
Tropen Verlag
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G.R. Raidle, I. Tastl
Finding a Perceptual Uniform Color Space with Evolution Strategies
IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Indianapolis, USA, 1997, page 513-517.
Homepage of G. Raidl

Networks and Internet
Internet Society: All About The Internet
ITU Internet Statistics
Aroma Jet
Electronic Chalk
PC Technology Guide Sensors What is Deinterlacing? Facts, solutions, examples.
Color Pages at (Very instructive!)
Charles Poynton's color web site
CIE - Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage
Philipp Otto Runge in Kunsthalle Hamburg
Munsell Color Science Laboratory
Munsell Products from Prism Instruments
Color Imaging Conference
Recording Technology History, Steve Schoenherr (University of San Diego)