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Selected Topics in Digital Media: iTV
ISNM Lübeck
Winter 2006

Link Collection

Reading Recommendations

The following books and papers are recommended as examples to start reading about interactive digital television.
The list ist by now means comprehensive, there are hundreds of sources available.
You can search Amazon for 'digital television' for example.

For more information about the field please also follow the sources given at Link Collection.
There is also a nice  Interactive TV Recommendation list at Amazon, which migth be worthwhile to investigate.
Searching the McLuhan Database for television results in this  list.

A great source for papers about interactive television can be found at  UITV.info.

Florian Plag, Roland Riempp
Interaktives Video im Internet mit Flash,
Springer-Verlag, 2006.
 Book Webpage

Ulrich Reimers
DVB: The Family of International Standards for Digital Video Broadcasting,
Springer-Verlag Telos; 2nd edition, 2004.
An earlier version in German is available at Prof. Schrader.

Charles Poynton
Digital Video and HDTV - Algorithms and Interfaces,
Morgan Kaufmann; 1st edition, 2003.

John Watkinson
The MPEG Handbook - MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4,
2nd edition, Focal Press, 2004.

Herve Benoit
digital television - MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and principles of the DVB system,
Focal Press, 2nd edition, 2002.

Alan Griffiths
digital television strategies - business challenges and opportunities,
Palgrave Macmillan, Houndsmill, UK and New York, USA, 2003.
 McLuhan 921

Keith Jack
Video Demystified - A handbook for the digital engineer,
Newnes, Fourth edition, 2004.
 2nd Ed. at McLuhan

Artur Lugmayr, Samuli Niiranen, Seppo Kalli
Digital Interactive TV and Metadata - Future Broadcast Multimedia,
Springer, 2004

Mohammed Ghanbari
Video coding - an introduction to standard codecs,
IEE Telecommunication series 42, 1999.

© 2003 Andreas Schrader & Martin Heike