This is a reading list for the very large field of Ubiquitous Computing.
The field is much to large to have a comprehensive list here.
Any additional hint or link always welcome.
Please send an Email to
Last Update: May 21st, 2006
- UBICOMP - International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing
(former Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing)
- 1st Symposium ( HUC'99),
September 1999, Karlsruhe, Germany
- 2nd Symposium ( HUC'2K),
September 2000, Bristol, UK.
- 6th Symposium ( UbiComp'2004),
September 2004, Nottingham, UK.
- 7th Symposium ( UbiComp'2005),
September 11—14, 2005, Takanawa Prince Hotel, Tokyo, Japan.
- 8th Symposium ( UbiComp'2006),
September 17-21, 2006, Orange County, California.
- PERVASIVE - International Conference on Pervasive Computing
- 1st Conference ( Pervasive'2002),
August 2002, Zurich, Switzerland
( Proceedings LNCS 2414)
- 2nd Conference ( Pervasive'2004)
April 2004, Vienna, Austria
( Proceedings LNCS 3001)
- 3rd Conference ( Pervasive'2005)
May 8-13, 2005, Munich, Germany
( Proceedings LNCS 3468)
- 4th Conference ( Pervasive'2006)
April 2006, Dublin, Ireland
( Proceedings LNCS 3968)
- EUSAI - European Symposium on Ambient Intelligence
- 1st Symposium ( EUSAI 2003),
November 3 & 4, 2003 - Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
( Proceedings, LNCS 2875)
- 2nd Symposium ( EUSAI 2004),
November 8-10, 2004 - Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
- ISWC - International Symposium on Wearable Computers
- 1st Symposium (ISWC'97), October 1997, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 1997
( Proceedings)
- 2nd Symposium (ISWC'98), October 1998, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
( Proceedings)
- 3rd Symposium (ISWC'99), October 1999, San Francisco, California, USA
( Proceedings)
- 4th Symposium (ISWC'2000), October 2000, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
( Proceedings)
- 5th Symposium ( ISWC'2001),
October 2001, Zurich, Switzerland.
( Program,
- 6th Symposium ( ISWC'2002),
October 2002, Seattle, USA
( Proceedings)
- 7th Symposium ( ISWC'2003),October 2003,
White Plains, NY, USA.
( Proceedings)
- The complete overview of ISWC can be found at
- Mobile HCI - International Workshop on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices
(since 2002 International Symposium on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction)
- 1st Workshop ( Mobile HCI1998),
May 1998, Glasgow, Scotland ( Proceedings, free online access!)
- 2nd Workshop ( Mobile HCI 1999),
August 31, 1999, Edinburgh, Scotland ( Proceedings, free online access!)
- 3rd Workshop ( Mobile HCI 2001),
September 10, 2001, IHM-HCI Lille, France ( Proceedings, free online access!)
- 4th Symposium, ( Mobile HCI 2002),
September 18-20, 2002, Pisa, Italy ( Proceedings LNCS 2411)
- 5th Symposium, ( Mobile HCI 2003),
September 8-11, 2003, Udine, Italy ( Program,
Proceedings LNCS 2795)
- 6th Symposium, ( Mobile HCI 2003),
September 13-16, 2004, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
- IPSN - International Workshop on Information Processing in Sensor Networks
- 2nd Workshop ( IPSN'03),
April 22-23, 2003, Palo Alto, California, USA
( Proceedings, LNCS 2634)
- 3rd Workshop ( IPSN '04),
April 26-27, 2003, Berkeley, California, USA
- SPC - International Conference on Security in Pervasive Computing
- PerCom - IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication
- 1st Conference ( PerCom'2003),
March 23-26, 2004, Fort Worth, Texas, USA
( Proceedings)
- 2nd Conference ( PerCom'2004),
March 14-17, 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
( Proceedings,)
( Workshop Proceedings)
- 3rd Conference ( PerCom'2005),
March 8-12, 2005, Kauai Island, Hawaii
- 4th Conference ( PerCom'2006),
March 13-17, 2006, Pisa, Italia
- 5th Conference ( PerCom'2007),
March 26-30, 2007, New York, USA
- ARCS - International Conference on Architecture of Computer Systems
- 7th Conference ( ARCS'2002)
Trends in Network and Pervasive Computing, April 8-11, 2002, Karlsruhe, Germany
( Proceedings, LNCS 2299)
- Adam Greenfield
Everyware. The Dawning Age of Ubiquitous Computing
New Riders, 2006.
- Uwe Hansmann, Lothar Merk, Martin S. Nicklous, Thomas Stober
Pervasive Computing Handbook
Springer Verlag Heidelberg, 2nd Ed., 2003.
McLuhan Documentation Center
- Uwe Hansmann
Pervasive Computing: The Mobile World
Springer Verlag Heidelberg, 2003.
McLuhan Documentation Center
- Jochen Burkhardt (Editor), Horst Henn, Stefan Hepper, Klaus Rindtorff, Thomas Schack, Thomas Schaeck
Pervasive Computing: Technology and Architecture of Mobile Internet Applications
Addison Wesley Longman, 2002.
McLuhan Documentation Center
- Frank Stajano
Security for Ubiquitous Computing
John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
- Richard Hunter
World Without Secrets: Business, Crime and Privacy in the Age of Ubiquitous Computing
John Wiley, Chichester, 2002.
- Simson Garfinkel
Database Nation. The Death of Privacy in the 21th Century
O'Reilly & Associates, 2001.
- David G. Brown (Editor)
Ubiquitous Computing: The Universal Use of Computers on College Campuses
Anker Pub Co., June 2003.
- Howard Rheingold
Smart Mobs - The Next Social Revolution
Perseus Books Group, 2003.
- C.C. Archer, Dan C. Marinescu, C. Lee
Process Coordination and Ubiquitous Computing
CRC Press, 2002.
Some German books:
- C. Lindner
Avatare - Digitale Sprecher für Business und Marketing
Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2003.
- Friedeman Mattern
Total vernetzt. Szenarien einer informatisierten Welt.
Springer, Berlin, 2003.
- Heinz Sauerburger
Ubiquitous Computing
DPunkt, Heidelberg, 2003.
- Bernd Britzelmaier (Herausgeber)
Der Mensch im Netz - Ubiquitous Computing
4. Liechtensteinisches Wirtschaftsinformatik-Symposium an der Fachhochschule Liechtenstein
B.G. Teubner Verlag, 2002.
- There is a
people database
at containing pictures and CVs of some researchers in the field.
(Ubiquitous Computing Resource Page)
- AT&T Laboratories, Cambridge
- Carnegie Mellon University ( School of Computer Science)
- Aura (Distraction-free Ubiquitous Computing)
- Carnegie Mellon University ( Wearable Group)
- Cornell University
- MagnetOS
(Unified Operating System for AdHoc Networks)
- ETH ( Wearable Computing Laboratory)
- Georgia Tech University
- HP Labs
- Intel
- Microsoft Research
- MIT Media Lab
- MIT Media Lab Europe (Dublin)
- New York University, Department of Computer Science
- Philips Research Labs ( Connectivity Group)
- Ambient Intelligence and many more ...
- Rutgers University, Distributed Computing Lab
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technologies, Lausanne
- University of Berkeley, California
- University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
- University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
- New York University
- University of Karlsruhe, Telecooperation Office ( TecO), Department of Computer Science
- University of Southern California, ( School of Engineering)
- University of Washington, Department of Computer Science & Engineering